Commercial properties for sale in Indonesia

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Buy a Ready Business in Indonesia

Making a commercial property investment in Indonesia means not only saving money from inflation but also getting the opportunity to set up a profitable business. An even more lucrative option is to acquire an already operating enterprise. A ready business has many advantages compared to projects under development. Such a business already has its own clientele, does not need advertising, and does not require additional time to reach the point of making a profit rather than just payback.

For non-residents, there are a few formats for running their own business in the state:

  • Purchasing a ready-made business and obtaining the appropriate permit to conduct commercial activities. It is important to take into account that some activity types, most often related to the country’s defence capability and strategic resources, are prohibited for foreign nationals. Ownership is registered in the form of a long-term extendable lease.
  • Setting up an investment company (PMA) with an authorised capital of a certain size for the purpose of further doing business. It is acceptable to establish an organisation with a small authorised capital, but in this case, local citizens must be present in the management and among the shareholders. In addition to the opportunity to do business, PMAs have another advantage: the founder can buy residential property in Indonesia freehold.

On our website, you can browse the offers of the local market to choose a suitable property and invest in commercial real estate in Indonesia.

Commercial Property Prices in Indonesia

Commercial properties vary and cater to different budgets and purposes. Listings for sale include:

  • Outlets;
  • Hotels and guest houses;
  • Cafes and restaurants;
  • Offices and coworking centres;
  • Industrial facilities and warehouses.

Prices depend on the type, area, and location. For example, the cost of a store is approximately $500,000. Hotels and guesthouses are offered starting at $1 million.

It is important to consider that each type of activity has individual requirements. Therefore, to run a business, it is not enough to just buy a hotel—you also need to obtain the appropriate licences. Therefore, it is worth getting advice from experts specialising in commercial real estate in the country even before you get to choosing a specific property.

Commercial property in Indonesia

The state’s economy is developing steadily. The tourism and service sectors remain the most popular destinations. Investing in commercial real estate is a way to expand your investment portfolio and make a profit from running a business or renting out premises. For the latter option, you do not have to reside in the country. Local agencies can handle the rentals of commercial properties and apartments in Indonesia.

Buying Commercial Properties in Indonesia

The website contains a regularly updated database of listings for commercial and residential property. In the catalogue, you can also choose apartments and villas in Indonesia. A convenient search system allows you to set filters for a specific type of property, region, and price range. You can view prices in euros and dollars. If you want to buy commercial property in Indonesia, you can consult on the matters related to selection and purchase in real time. To do this, just leave a request in the contact form.